Shiny Butts Drive Me Nuts

Why is this a fashion trend?

It seems to me that the world will stop dead in their tracks and stare in awe at someone’s behind. Are there not more important things to look at or consider?

Our world is falling apart around us at this present time, wars being fought, people being injured and killed but the butt is somehow the focus of the media? Just because it belongs to someone famous.

Then to make matters a lot worse there are rival images of other celebrities baring their behinds, as if to say “Look at mine!”

Come on society! You are losing your grip on life when matters such as these become the “butt” of every share on social media. Let’s focus once again on our lives and what is truly important.

A shiny “ass” doesn’t make my day, it shouldn’t make yours either.

Set Your Life On Fire

Boxed Humans:

When we take a good look at the human species, we see a set of beings that are capable of incredible things. We have evolved from the Stone Age and managed to arrive to where we are today through the instrumental ability to learn. Everything we know and use in our daily lives came to life by the minds of somebody, that person went through trial and error in order to perfect the idea; to make it possible. Others have taken an idea and fashioned it into new ones. This has all been achieved through the Art of learning, something we do everyday, but which many take for granted.

When we put ourselves into boxes by saying “Oh, I can’t do that because..” we are limiting ourselves, and caging our abilities according to our mind-set. We have ability to learn new skills everyday!

What are we really?

We are problem solvers and rational thinkers, we are inventors of the written word and of our own lives. We create friendships, relationships, homes and connections with strangers every day of our lives. We are advisor’s and confidants, helpers and care takers. We are dreamers and  farmers of  ideas. We are capable of anything we put our minds to.

What I’m really saying is:

Don’t limit yourself. It’s that simple; if you only know how to do something with certain tools, try something else with new tools. Learn a skill you have always wanted to know. Your brain is not limited, if you have the will.

Learn something new and set your life on fire.

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Wings Of Inspiration

Finding Daily Inspiration:

Finding our daily inspiration is often as elusive as this little bird. (see image below)

What is inspiration, and why do we need it in our everyday lives?

Some of us just need a reason to get up every morning, whilst others need something positive to think about.

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It gives us reason for living, it builds our spirits and gives us a lust for life.

Is it something we need?

Yes, I believe it is. No matter what your life is like at the moment, the happiest people are the one’s who seek inspiration in their daily lives. They have a hunger and thirst to find it, and it becomes as a very good tool to fight depression. People use it in different ways. If you write or design, if you paint or draw, inspiration becomes a part of your daily life. Ideas spark when we look to inspiration to help us with our tasks at hand.

Where is it found?

My advice to this is:

  • Look to the things you love, people or animals and things you like to do.
  • Reading is a great form of inspiration and it’s one I use often.
  • Movies and Television, perhaps watching a great movie will inspire positivity for you.
  • Social Media, if used correctly can also work well. There are many inspirational sites on social networks, seek them out and let them work for you.


Inspiration can flutter in at the most unexpected times; perhaps when we are doing something, at these rare moments harness it and use it in your life.

Discover the beauty that has been lost in this world, and let it drive you towards success and happiness.

As Lost As Sunsets

Why is it that so many people have low self-esteem?

We grow up in a very unforgiving and judgemental society. Almost everything we face, whether it be on the Television or in social media, people are trend setting all the time. Many of those trends have disastrous outcomes, especially for the youths, who cannot discern the difference between a trend for the sake of it, or one that could lead to a hazardous outcome. Some do not care even if they can see the difference, the pull of popularity and acceptance even the scores and it becomes a risk they will to take.


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What do these trends do?

These trends make people want to follow suite, why? because it’s what people do. We follow each other by example and want acceptance by our peers. We want other people to like us, look up to us and think that what we have managed to do is cool, we lose our individuality and we become moulded by the rest of society.

What happens when we fail?

When we cannot compete we lose the respect of others in those groups, we get depressed and frustrated with ourselves. We get shamed for not being able to conform. If everybody in that social group has lost ‘X’ number of pounds to fit into what is known publicly and globally as beautiful, we feel ugly and end up with a poor body image. The names people call you, stick with you forever and you eventually end up believing what others say about you. Those voices become the voice inside your head, the most destructive one we will ever listen to.

Bottom Line:

It is my opinion that we should not give up who we are and what we love for the sake of what’s in fashion, fashions fade as quickly as a sunsets brilliant colours that sketch across the sky. It’s simply not worth the heartache of losing who we are. We are all good at different things, we love the world through our own eyes. We leave behind pieces of ourselves in everything we do.

Now, that is magic. Follow your dreams instead of the ideals of others; it is the very best choice you can make.

The Mind’s Marbles

The most beautiful words ever written have ability to make us feel things:

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From nothingness, streets and cities evolve from the ground up and characters are born. Simple black inky font on a screen or page, letter-by-letter, placed next to one another form Words. These words placed side-by-side have the magical power to create worlds in our minds, like a glass blower, moulding marbles with specialised tools; breathing life into them and suspending them from strings in the abyss.

As we hang on every word the Author has written, we create spectacular images from the guide they have placed before us; not the same in every mind, but unique to our own imagination.

A writer is a Master of his own Art. Storytelling, if written well, can play  with the with the readers emotions. Relationships with the characters assemble and get broken within the ministries of good books.

Every sentence becomes scripture, as we descend upon on a journey with our eyes and brain. We sail treacherous seas with this boat of our mind. We fall in love with people we will never really get to meet. We discover secrets of far away lands, learn how people fall in love and learn how to love the written word.

It is here that the Author has succeeded in his quest, for he has painted his painting in ink.

A Worthy Man Once Told Me

A Worthy Man Once Told Me:

That I can become anything I want to, that I should believe in myself and my talents; whatever they are.

This man would try to bring back pieces of my childhood, like a time capsule, and he succeeded every time he tried.

This man told me that I was worth loving, that I was good enough for him; and the world. He taught me to see myself through loving eyes, to doubt myself less and to dream that anything is possible.

He taught me that no matter what I thought of myself, in his eyes, I am the most beautiful creature alive. He believes in me when the world does not.

At my blackest hours, this man was at my side. He has listened to the cries that bleed from my heart, and comforted me and held me close. He has been there every day that I need him and loved me through every one of them.

This is truly a Worthy Man, for I married him.

  • “Tangled Up In You” by Staind

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Introverts Unite!…Separately, In Your Own Homes.


Image source Facebook

So I’m an Introvert, what exactly does that mean?

Does it mean I’m shy? The answer is not really. I’m a rather social person, I like to interact with people socially. Do I have social anxiety when it comes to large crowds of people or unfamiliar situations? The answer is yes.

I get lonely rather easily, and seek out the company of other people. I tend to feel social pressures more than extroverts, I find that I need time alone to think. If I had a choice between a wild party and a good book, I would choose the book. I’d choose a quiet evening or a good movie than the hustle and bustle of a raging club. I’d choose writing over packed restaurants and bars.

I am a homebody.



I wouldn’t trade places with any body else .
Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert, what would you rather do in your free time?
Drop me a line in the comment box below, I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

SPACE BAR: The Final Frontier


image source – Facebook

Let’s start at the beginning: (it’s a very good place to start)

When you first enter the world of writing, you enter a world of strange and unfamiliar territory.

There are so many famous writers and Authors, and I thought to myself, “How do they do this?” 

How do they come up with all the stories they tell, where do the bloggers find the inspiration for their blogs and poetry?

So I set myself on a journey of discovery, I jumped online and navigated the Net. I browsed YouTube looking for videos on famous writers; exactly what were their little secrets? I needed to know.

What did I find?

I found that many of the great authors out there are just like you or I, yes, they have published books, and are famous but that’s besides the point. They are people who tell stories. They live lives just like ours, good and bad things happen to them every day. Many Authors cannot tell you where there stories come from, others write, based on events that happen in their lives. Sure, they have published books but they are normal everyday people.

My point is:

The fact that you are writing something, have written or are self-published, you are doing more than someone who is sitting there wishing they had the balls to begin. Be proud of your writing, your books or blogs.

Be proud of yourself for beginning, for it’s a very good place to start.

When Awareness Fails: A story of Hope


I am part of a “Rare” group of people.


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I am 1 in 100 000 people, and I have a Rare Disease.

There are two different kinds: Chronic and Secondary IH.

Intracranial Hypertension:

A short overview-

(IH) is the general term for the neurological disorders in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure within the skull is too high. (Old names for IH include Benign Intracranial Hypertension and Pseudotumor Cerebri).- exert taken from The IH

Very little is known about this disease and thousands of people are going without proper care. Many Doctors don’t know enough, add on the fact that there is no cure and things begin to go from bad to worse.

What is IH?

Intracranial hypertension literally means that the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the skull is too high. “Intracranial” means “within the skull.” “Hypertension” means “high fluid pressure.”

Something goes wrong inside the brain and the normal production and absorption system fails. When this happens the results are devastating.

I was first diagnosed in 2006. I developed  Papillidema, and as a result, I have lost most of my visual acuity.


The symptoms vary from person to person, but the most common are:

  •  Severe Headaches
  • Pulsatile tinnitus
  • Visions changes, such as: Double vision, Papilladema and sudden vision loss.
  • Nausea (sometimes accompanied by vomiting)
  • Neck and shoulder pain.

Possible Treatments After Diagnosis:

IH is most often diagnosed via a Lumbar puncture. Patients are often given drugs with harmful side effects or dangerous and painful surgery options. 

The Bottom Line:

There is so little awareness and funding for this disease, and there are thousands trying to hold onto hope that a cure will eventually be found.

For more information, please visit

It Gets Harder, Before It Gets Better

Nothing we do for the first time is easy, you know what I mean?


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It doesn’t matter what kind of task it is. When we begin it for the first time it is going to become difficult at some point; it goes without saying. The difference lies with how we handle those difficulties, do we let them make us or break us?

When we are always looking down and we come to the pot holes in life, that seem like they stretch down forever and there is no end in sight. It’s the mountain out of a mole hill syndrome, and everybody has gone through it at some point of their lives. To you; its not a mole hill, it’s a bloody mountain and the thought of climbing the bastard is frightening.

If we are forever looking down, we are not looking forward. The size of the task appears too great for us to handle, and this is why so many people give up. Their frustrations and fears swallow them up.

Get help. You may find it with a loved one or a friend; a stranger on a Blog or Facebook site. Don’t lose hope and remember: It always gets harder, before it gets better.